HR Links

HR and Community Links

HR Links

The American Society of Safety Engineers, Sacramento Chapter

American Society for Training and Development
The national organization for training and development.

The American Society for Training & Development, Sacramento Chapter
The Sacramento Chapter of the organization for training and development.

CalBiz Central - presented by CalChamber
CalChamber's plain English employment law and compliance products are the most authoritative, easy-to-use resources available to California employers. SAHRA members receive a 15% discount on CalChamber products.

California Chamber of Commerce
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping California do business.

California State Council of SHRM
The California State council of SHRM is dedicated to uniting and supporting California's 16000 person HR community.

California State Assembly
State law fun from one half of our friendly rule makers.

California State Senate
State law fun from one half of our friendly rule makers.

California State Legislative Office

Keepers of all the state laws, bills, codes, statutes and other miscellaneous rules.

Compensation & Benefits Association of Sacramento

A centralized forum where current issues, trends, and innovative programs in compensation and benefits can be communicated.


Degree Prospects, LLC helps students and young professionals find the top online human resources programs, and provides advice on how to save money on a quality education.


Halogen Software- Strategic Talent Management
HR "how to" articles (performance reviews, employee feedback, etc.)

Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI)
The Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) is the leading independent, internationally recognized certifying body for the HR profession.


Human Resources Edu ORG  

A dedicated resource for aspiring and existing human resource professionals.


Human Resource Executive Online
HR advice, columns, blogs, reviews, career center, etc.


HR Path

HR Career Resources 

International Association of Human Resource Information Management
HRIS professional group.

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
The national organization for international benefit professionals.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Provides a wealth of information on accommodating employees with disabilities.

Linking Education and Economic Development. Helping students, businesses and government agencies work together.

Non-Discriminatory Employment Practices under California Law

Sacramento Area Commerce Trade Organization
An organization promoting Sacramento. Great for relocation information.

Sacramento Substance Use Facts

Elevate Addiction Services

The Sacramento Area Organizational Development Network

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
The National HR Organization.

SHRM Foundation

US Department of Labor
Labor law fun from our Federal friends.

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Provides important information about non-discriminatory employment practices.


The Business of HR (TLNT)
Free webinars on HR topics (legal issues, recruiting, new hires, etc.)

US National Labor Relations Board
More specialized labor law fun from our Federal friends.

US Occupational Health and Safety Administration
Safety fun from our Federal friends.


Good source for HR news, workforce management articles, free newsletters, etc.

World At Work

The national organization for compensation and benefit professionals.

Community Links

Community Disaster Agencies

American Red Cross

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Salvation Army

US Department of Labor

Do you have an HR link to suggest?
E-mail the webmaster.

Contact Us

Sacramento Area Human Resource Association

2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. #1777 | Sacramento, CA 95825

(916) 451-9031
